---------- [Basic Settings] # Language Language_File = en-us # Use a white icon in system tray instead of the default red one (looks better in windows 10 :) White_Tray_Icon = False Hide_In_AltTab = False # when True, Start inking when selecting ppInk with Alt+Tab AltTab_Start = False Fading_Time= 0.1 # The folder that snapshots are saved to ; use the expansion system Snapshot_Path = %USERPROFILE%/Pictures/gInk/ Snapshot_File = $YYYY$-$MM$-$DD$ $H$-$M$-$S$.png # Engage directly Capture when opening toolbar (from hotkey/floating window/tray icon) Open_Into_Snap = False #Swap Snapshots Behavior ; if true Long= Std Snap and Short = Snap & Continuous ; Legacy = False ; note: opposite from options dlg Swap_Snapshot_Behaviors= True # set Pens buttons on twoLines Pens_On_Two_Lines = False # activate click on pen buttons to select LineStyle ButtonClick_For_LineStyle = False # Show eraser icon Eraser_Icon = True # Show pan icon Pan_Icon = True # Show pointer icon Pointer_Icon = True # engage Pointer when alt+tab is depressed AltTab_Pointer = True # Show pen width icon Pen_Width_Icon = True # Set pen width to pen's default at selection, even if Pen Width Icon is available to modify it after. Pen_Width_At_Selection = True # Show view/hide inks icon InkVisible_Icon = True #Capture strokes only Snapshot_StrokesOnly = False # Show snapshot icon Snapshot_Icon = True # Show undo icon Undo_Icon = True # Show clear icon Clear_Icon = True # Show Tools icons Drawing_Icon = False # Show Load/Save icons LoadSave_Icon = True # Enabled Color Pickup function ColorPickup_Enabled = False # Zoom Icon : 0 : no Zoom icon ; 1 : Magnifier ; 2 : freeze ; 3 : both Zoom_Icon = 0 # Show tools subtools in a toolbar SubToolsBar_Enabled = False # Arrow ends definitions : aperture angle (°) and length(% screen) Arrow= 15,1.85000002384186 FitToCurve = True #increments for penwidth +/- shortcuts PenWidth_Delta = 40 # defaults for options PenWidth_Thin_Default = 30 PenWidth_Normal_Default = 80 PenWidth_Thick_Default = 500 Default_Arrow = START # 1.04 % should be about 20 pix ; will also change size of circles in tags and selection Size Text = Comic Sans MS,False,True,1.17130307467057 Numbers = Comic Sans MS,False,True,0.512445095168375 # is MagneticEffect active when opening the Window Magnet = -0.512445095168375 #Magnetic Angle Steps in deg Magnetic_Angle = 15 # Which mouse cursor to use on canvas Canvas_Cursor = 1 # Allow dragging toolbar Allow_Dragging_Toolbar = True #ToolBar color(ARGB) Default WhiteSmoke slightly transparent = 200,245,245,245 Toolbar_Color = 255,245,245,245 # Process Alt as Temporary Command (configuration reset when Alt Released) Alt_As_Temporary_Command = False # Allow all non-global hotkeys in mouse pointer mode (may cause a mess) Allow_Hotkey_In_Pointer_Mode = False # Toolbar location (only applicable when allowing dragging toolbar) Toolbar_Left = 533 Toolbar_Top = 667 # Toolbar deployement direction Left(Original),Right,Up,Down Toolbar_Direction= Left # inking area : Top,Left,Width,Height ; all set to -1 for full screen Inking_Area = -1,-1,-1,-1 # Calll Window position: Top,Left,Width(=Height),transparency Window_POS = 990,1871,48,50 # Erase when loosing Focus Erase_On_FocusLost = False #Semi-transparent colors(ARGB) for Custom background; Gray_Board2 is reserved for future Gray_Board1 = 80,150,150,150 Gray_Board2 = 100,100,100,100 #Background at Opening : 0:Transparent/1:White/2:Customed/3:Black / 4:Sel at Startup BoardAtOpening = 4 # Video recording Mode ; NoVideo , OBSRec , OBSBcst , FfmpegRec Video_Record_Mode = NoVideo OBS_ws_Url = ws://localhost:4444 OBS_ws_PWD = obs FFmpeg_FileName = %USERPROFILE%/Pictures/gInk/CAPT_%DD%%MM%%YY%_%H%%M%%S%_$nn$.mp4 FFmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -y -f gdigrab -framerate 15 -offset_x $xx$ -offset_y $yy$ -video_size $ww$x$hh$ -show_region 1 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p $FN$ Create_M3U = False #Hotkey_CreateIndex in Hotkeys.ini Create_Index_On_Undock = True Undock_On_Create_Index = False Index_Default = $H$:$M$:$S$ = NoEdit_M3U_Entry = False #Rest Server : to be left empty to disable function RESTServer_Url = http://localhost:7999/ #images #size of the images in the selection form ; max 512 ImageStamp_Size = 128 #Image Background when stamped : -1 = no Frame ; 0 = empty ; 1 = ColorFilled ; 2 = White Filled ; 3 = Black Filled ImageStamp_Filling = -1 # can work in multiple lines ; names / path are separated by semi-colons ImageStamp_FileNames = happy.png;neutral.png;sad.png;Star.png;thumb_up.png;thumb_dn.png;tick.png;cross.png;ppinkCliparts[5x].apng ImageStamp_FileNames = ImageStamp_FileNames = ImageStamp_FileNames = ImageStamp_FileNames = #for ImageStamp1/2/3, we add the background defined setup and if it is a point, or on a lines ImageStamp1 = thumb_dn.png;29;29;NoFrame;Line;2171.4375422747 ImageStamp2 = neutral.png;-1;-1;NoFrame;Point ImageStamp3 = sad.png;-1;-1;NoFrame;Point ---------- #arrow heads and tails : working with multiple Lines ; inserted int the file order(Config/Pen/Hotkeys) and text order # always have a head and tail entry together Arrow_Head= Arw_Arrow1;Arw_Arrow1;!Arw_Square1;Arw_Arrow1;Arw_Arrow1;Arw_Arrow1;!Arw_Square1;Arw_Arrow1;Arw_Arrow1;Arw_Arrow1;!Arw_Square1;Arw_Arrow1 Arrow_Tail= Arw_None;Arw_Arrow1;!Arw_Diamond1;Arw_Tail1;Arw_None;Arw_Arrow1;!Arw_Diamond1;Arw_Tail1;Arw_None;Arw_Arrow1;!Arw_Diamond1;Arw_Tail1 Arrow_Head= Arrow_Tail= Arrow_Head= Arrow_Tail= Arrow_Head= Arrow_Tail= ---------- [Advanced Settings] # Whether the toolbar automatically closes itself after taking a snapshot # Values could be True, False or BlankOnly # If Close_On_Snap = True, the toolbar closes itself after taking a snapshot # If Close_On_Snap = False, the toolbar does not close itself # If Close_On_Snap = BlankOnly (default value), the toolbar closes itself after taking a snapshot if there is no drawings on the screen, while not if otherwise. Close_On_Snap = True # Whether to hide the toolbar completely # If Always_Hide_Toolbar = True, the toolbar will never be shown. You will have to use hotkeys. Always_Hide_Toolbar = False # Keep the toolbar folded when starting inking Toolbar_Docked_at_Open = False # Height of toolbar, in proportional of primary screen height. Toolbar_Height = 0.06 #Zoom : Width;Height;Scale;Continuous(Y/N) Zoom = 150;150;2;Y #SpotLight #color in A,R,G,B Spot_Color= 128,0,0,0 #Radius in Screen % Spot_Radius= 9.88286969253294 #Activate Spot on Alt Press Spot_On_Alt= False #Measurement tools #Enabled Measures_Enabled = True # Scaling Length Factor vs 1 Pixel Measure_Len_Scale = 1 # Number of decimals for Length Measure_Len_Decimals = 1 # Length unit Measure_Len_Unit = Pixel # angle positive = counterClockwise(True) / ClockWise(False) Measure_Angle_Dir= True Inverse_MouseWheel_Control = False #Enable DirectX output DirectX = False #WindowMode Border Color in A,R,G,B WindowMode_Selected = 255,255,0,0 WindowMode_Unselected = 255,0,0,0 ---------- [Basic Settings] Magnetic_Angle_Tolerance = 0.675 ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] Toolbar_Undocked_at_Pointer = False ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings] ---------- [Basic Settings] ---------- ---------- [Advanced Settings]